Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Late Autumn in the Texas Hill Country

A grove of Red Oaks on the back road to Boerne, watercolor study on paper, 2.5" x 6.25"
There is always something to remind me why we chose to move here. Autumn and the foliage is one of those things. There is another level of peace that comes with taking a moment to enjoy the colors and express it with paint.


  1. That's beautiful, Paul. Definitely frame and sell-worthy.

    1. Thanks, Lynette. But it's just a study for a larger oil painting. I have a canvas ready and will probably do it this weekend. It takes me just a few minutes to do these little watercolor studies - I just like getting the colors so I can work on the larger painting in the studio. My friend, Bill Zaner, showed me how to do this. I owe a lot, and am extremely grateful for the little bit of time I have spent watching and listening to him.
      I'm really digging the colors in the hills this fall. And taking a few minutes by the side of the road helps me forget about the stress of the day. Moreso, I am grateful for adding some beauty into the lives of those who enjoy my artwork. Thank you.
