Saturday, June 2, 2012

New thoughts, new place, new life, new art.

I have been reflecting on the past year we've been living here, because a lot has changed. After Linda's cancer diagnosis and surgery, I knew things would be much different for us, but I had no idea how mellow life would be for us. The move to Boerne brought us to what I consider to be one of the most beautiful places on God's earth. The hill country suits us well, and we have found it to be a place of re-discovery and healing.
Being removed from things and people we were so familiar with has gotten us closer and into a more intimate relationship with each other. It has been a deeply spiritual move as well. We have had to rely on God's leading and love for us as he has reopened places in our heart that we struggled to know for so long. We've had to trust in the Spirit to lead us to new relationships with people that we never knew, and to open our hearts - not only to recieve, but to give, and experience that intimacy and to just love people for who and where they are. It has pushed us beyond our comfort zone, into some uncharted territory.
Some of that has been rediscovering that creative part of ourselves. Boerne is a place with many creative people - artists, musicians, craftsmen...I love the culture here. It's given me the opportunity to start painting again, something I laid down for almost 30 years. I was thinking recently that as much as I love to draw and paint, why did I lay it down for so long? The talent has never left me, and the desire has always been there. The only thing I can figure is that now I am around so many creative people in a community that is very art-focused.
I never discovered or got to be part of the art community in Central Texas. I look back, and think about how hidden it was to me. There are no art galleries in Temple or art store either, and I didn't know any artists up there. I know there are some artists, because the hospital hosts a small place for occasional artists, as well as an occasional show in the Frank Mayborn Center. One would think a community of about 250K in Central Texas would at least have an art gallery. I know Temple has an Art Guild, and an annual art contest - and I even entered an art show in Killeen once, but those were once a year events.
Boerne has only 10000 people and at least 10 art galleries. There are dozens of local artists and many more from all over that display in galleries here. There are art shows, exhibits, art demonstrations, wine and art every 2nd Saturday, artists giving lessons, etc.  Boerne has something creative going on all the time!
Picking up my paint brushes again has been a good thing. Learning how to use oil paints has been exciting, and has given me an opportunity to learn how much I really enjoy painting. I am still doing watercolors too, especially in my studies, but I've done some deliberate, serious watercolors too.
I love Boerne. I love what I am learning, and I love this new chapter in my life. And I love my new relationships with those who inspire and encourage me in my pursuit of my art.
I miss my friends in Central Texas - my cycling buddies, and especially my best friend, Bobby. But I am well, and excited about this new adventure and my new relationships.
"Zaner's Trees" Oil on canvas board, 4" x 5"

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